Our Team
We personally hand-select and train our security agents in all aspects of security and investigations. Our agents undergo strict physical fitness requirements and understand observation, surveillance, executive protection protocols and customer service.
Our highly-trained team consists of former military, former police officers, as well as other law enforcement security personnel with years of experience and dedication to the industry. Our skilled management team will oversee all aspects of your security program.
Our team is built through a work environment that embraces creativity and innovation; encourages promotion from within; and challenges each individual to lead. Our agents have received training ranging from Law Enforcement, Act 120, Act 235, Less than lethal weapons training as well as first aid and first responder certified.
Our Agents understand, they are a reflection of your company and that the customers who attend your establishment view them as such. Clients often form relationships with security staff over months or years. It gives them a sense of community when they see a familiar face. Also, the security staff gets to know the habits and patterns of people at your location. They will come to be more of an extended family, becoming uniquely aware and knowledgeable in the culture of your company.